Thursday, 25 November 2010
Shot List
2) verticle tilt up to CU of abdomen and face
3) ECU of toilet roll being pulled *Credit Opt*
4) Ariel Shot of swirling flushed toilet *Transition*
5) *Living Room* Ariel Shot Of spoon stirring tea
6) ECU of tea being drunk
7) Character 1 sitting on sofa: CU of abdomen and face
8) Over shoulder shot of Character 1 watching telly
9)*Hallway* ECU of letters coming through letterbox
10) Character 1 picking up letters: filmed through letterbox
11) FPV ECU of looking through letters- sees credit card and attached note *Music Begins*
12) ECU of C1 grabbing keys
13)*Outside* ECU of C1 going out of home: over shoulder shot
14) ECU of locking door: over shoulder shot
15) ECU of going into car: over shoulder shot
16)*Car*- ECU of starting car
17) Reversing whilst texting: over shoulder shot
18) ECU of phone sending text to rest of the band
19) CU of driving from passengers seat- side profile
20)*Graveyard* panning establishing shot
21) canted high angle shot of C2 aproaching car
22)*Car* ECU of car closing
23) Low angle canted shot of performance
24) ECU of neck of bass guitar
25)*Pub* CU of pub sign 26) CU high angle shot of C3 getting thrown out of door
27) CU high angle shot of C3 catching drumsticks that are thrown out of the door
28)*Car*- ECU of car door closing
29) Low angle canted shot of performance
30) ECU of snare drum being played
31)*Outside* Panning high angle shot of car passing corner
32)*Car*- ECU of C's
33) Over shoulder shot from passengers view of driver running over guitarist
34)*Outside*- floor shot of dazed guitarist
35) guitarist steps into location shot
36) canted backsteat perspective, over shoulder shot of guitarist banging on window
37)*Car*- ECU of car door closing
38) ECU of wheels spinning
39) ECU of lisense plate as car speeds off
40) ECU of C1 singing *Transition*
41)*Flat* ECU of singer
42) ECU of neck of guitar
43)*High Street* Faded timed shots of the C's walking down street, verticle tilt, crosscutting
44) ECU of ATM
45) ECU of card going in
46) ECU of pin
47) ECU of money coming out (repeated, various cants) *Transition*
48)*Poker Table* Money going into dealers pocket
49) Ariel view of chips being thrown across a table
50) High angle shot of hand grabbing chips
51) ECU shot of cards being shuffled and dealt
52) Clockwise Panning shot of table, ECU of faces
53) Anti-Clockwise Panning shot over shoulder of cards
54) ECU of spinning chip
55) Clockwise Panning shot of C's drinking and smoking- Zippo Trick
56) ECU of C blowing smoke ring *Transition*
57) Ariel Shot of money being put into pot
58)*Flat* Crosscut to performace shots/fades- ECU
59) Canted high angle shot of performance
60) Singer pushing lead guitarist- slo mo
61)*Party* Real time transition from party mosh to slo mo
62) Canted shot of pushing into crowd
63) ECU of guitarist's face as he walks through crowd *Transition*
64)*Poker Table* ECU of guitarist's face as he puts down cards
65) ECU of smoke coming from mouth into nose
66)*Flat* Performance: Close up of strumming gutair
67)*Flat*Performance: Midshot of bassist swinging away after hitting note
68)*Poker Table* ECU of mouth doing shot
69)*Party* High up shot of people 'bouncing'
70)*Flat* Performance
71)*Poker Table* ECU of smoke coming out of mouth
72)*Flat* Performance
73)*Poker Table* Side profile CU of bassist 'Ghostying' smoke:- Exposed over the top of following shots -
74)*Party* ECU of bassists face as he walks through crowd
75)*Poker Table* Side profile CU of bassist doing shot *Super Fast Cuts*
76) *Flat* Headbanging
77)*Party* Flash of Hands rising
78)*Poker Table* Chips being reeled in
79) *Flat* Gutair smashing swing
80)*Party* Legs dancing
81)*Poker Table* Cards laid down
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Monday, 22 November 2010
Audience Research, Media Theory
Shows such as Brit Cops: Zero Tolerance attempt to provide surveilance gratification, a warning of the crime on the streets alongside morbid curosity and a wish against blissfull ignorance for the audience.
Correlation: Viewing media texts to provide yourself with a reflective of yourself, identifying your own personality and characteristics alongside those of people you know.
As of late, there has been a rise in T.V shows such as Skins (Above) which combine the gratifications of both surveilance to an older generation in watching a media text to impead interest of those younger alongside correlation to those of the same age as the cast. Whilst Skins attempts in this fashion to hit a mass audience of all ages, shows like Shameless (Below) attempt to hit an audience of all classes using this techinque.


The story of Narcissus has been many times reflected in poular culture, especially rock and pop music: Bob Dylans song "License to Kill" refers indirectly to Narcissus: "Now he worships at an altar of a stagnant pool /And when he sees his reflection, he's fulfilled." Punk band The Libertines also wrote a song called Narcissm, adressing the wannabe models and fashion victims of Clapham, which refrences famous narcissitic character Dorian Gray with the lyric "Wouldn't it be nice to be Dorian Gray, just for a day?"