One of the main examples of new media technologies used in my media coursework is blogger.com, which allows me to post all of my planning, research and evaluation of my media coursework upon my own personalised webpage, something I have done throughout my time in AS/A2 Media. For this factor alone blogger is extremely effective; allowing me to compile all of my work into one interactive blog: which in turn allows me to order, by use of the 'labels tool', all of my work for easy access; whether it is for further working/studying, or comparing work alongside my team so all areas are covered. The factor of the web 2.0 community which blogger has by use of the comment box has also played a momentous part in the planning and research of my media coursework, with feedback gathered instantaneously from teachers and fellow students which would do nothing but strengthen my coursework.

The ease in which work is stored and feedback is gained is also found in the website youtube, which was used extensively in the research and planning stages of our music video. The 'likes and dislikes' features allows a rather shallow scope into what the online community think of our video, however such scope is broadened by use of the comment box, much like blogger. The ease in which videos were found and viewed also helped in the planning stages when we were instructed to analyses music videos of a similar genre.
The web 2.0 community is also the core for social networking sites such as Facebook, which in particular was a very important resource for my audience demographic research.
By going on (our unsigned band) Tilted Smile's social networking page, live pictures like this allowed me to gain a wider perspective of their audience demographic, which I determined to be white British males between the ages of 16-25. | |
The factor of the facebook 'wall' easily allowed me to gain information on the band's fans (their favourite films, music, literature ect.) which thoroughly informed my media production as images of said media products were included within the mis-en-scene of my video, emphasising the factor of audience identification/aspiration further. | | | | | | |

In the site Last.fm.com, the ability to not only purchase music but to share with friends as part of a social networking element was useful in the planning of our music video. One of the most individual and helpful features upon the site is the 'similar artists' feature; which not only features upon a certain band's page, allowing you to browse for your 'new favourite band', but also makes recommendations based upon your music library as a whole. This not only allowed us to find our unsigned band, Tilted Smile, but also by being able to see similar artists, elements such as audience demographic and conventions of genre were also expanded.
Similar artists of our unsigned band, which informed our audience demographic and allowed us to gain conventions of genre. |
The social networking site myspace.com allowed us to make contact with the band, asking them for permission to use their track, without social networking this may have taken a vastly longer amount of time, with many more complications. |

Due to the rapid rise in new technology bringing down prices of film equipment, a new generation of amateur film-makers has risen upon the industry. The combination of affordable cameras such as the Canon Mini DV Camcorder (which was used in the construction of our music video) and social networking video uploading sites like Youtube means that amateurs, such as my group and I, can easily create their own works, like my coursework video, and exhibit it all over the world. The compactability and small size of the camera also helped the construction of my media product; as shots within the car, for example, were relatively simple to pull off. The use of a tri-pod also allowed more flexibility with our choice of shots and their angles, camera shake that would have reduced marks within our construction was also avoided by use of the tri-pod.

Editing software Adobe Photoshop was also used in the construction of my ancillary text (a Digipak), which required the front, back and inside covers of an E.P, alongside a poster advertising said E.P.
One of the most useful tools within Adobe Photoshop is the layering tool, which helped me hugely on the construction of my digipak. The D.I.Y motif which i pursued across my Digipak, particularly the poster, could not have been done without Photoshop, which allowed me to place shredded paper scanned into the computer across my image, shown below.
The shredded paper motif, which acts as a platform for the text, could not have been achieved if it wasn't for the layering tool Photoshop has. |

Video editing software Adobe Premier Elements allowed us to edit our video very finely, giving us the ability to tailor our video to our satisfaction with its immense number of tools/features. The razor tool allowed us to cut our footage as precisely as possible; avoiding continuity errors, cutting over the beat and making the editing as quick as possible to cater for the needs of our audience demographic rock n roll fan.The ability to use cross fades and transitions allowed us to approach our video as creatively as possible, and the decision of team-member James to change the saturation of our video to make the colour seem more vibrant aesthetically improved our video greatly.
In conclusions, new technologies greatly informed the construction, research, planning and evaluation of my media product; making it cheaper and more efficient to not only construct the piece, but to gain feedback and tune our content to the desires of our target audience. The opportunity to actually approach this task could not have presented to me without new technology, and said technology vastly enhanced my creativity with this approach.
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